Government Relations

Government Relations Legislative Update

Government Relations Legislative Update

Updates on state and federal issues relating to the UW System.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Both legislative houses approve respective budget bills; differences to be worked out

On June 12, after an all-night session, the State Assembly voted to approve its version of the State budget bill (AB 75) on a 50-48 vote.

On June 17, the State Senate, working off the Joint Finance budget document rather than the Assembly version, approved its own budget bill on a 17-16 vote.

Yesterday, the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau released a comparative summary [pdf] of the Senate and Assembly versions of the budget bill. Legislative leaders may meet informally over the next several days to hammer out the differences between the two houses prior to calling for a conference committee. It is anticipated that the Legislature will try to complete the budget and deliver it to the Governor’s desk by late next week.

Below are Legislative Fiscal Bureau summaries reflecting recent legislative action on the state budget bill (AB 75)