Government Relations

Government Relations Legislative Update

Government Relations Legislative Update

Updates on state and federal issues relating to the UW System.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 ESEA Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Higher Education Grant Competition Announcement

The Request for Proposals and Application Guidelines are now available online at -

Proposal Deadlines:
August 27, 2010 - Intent to submit proposal email
October 1, 2010 - Final proposals sumitted via email by 4:30 PM

This is a competitive grants program for increasing student achievement in the arts, civics and government, economics, English, foreign languages, geography, history, mathematics, reading or language arts, and science, by improving the teaching and principal quality at the K-12 level in Wisconsin's public and private schools. The funds will provide grants to eligible partnerships. One year projects would begin in March 2011 and end July 31, 2012.

The funds for this program are part of a large block grant from the U.S. Department of Education which is awarded to each state. 2.5% of the total block grant is made to higher education to make competitive subgrants.

For additional information contact Phil Makurat. E-mail

Phil Makurat
Wisconsin ESEA Improving Teacher Quality Program
800 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI. 53190
262-472-5802 Office
262-215-4616 Cell