Governor Acts on Remaining Bills
This week Governor Doyle completed action on the remaining 2009-10 legislative bills. Here is a breakdown of the bills passed by the legislature:
In the Senate there were 249 Senate Bills sent to the Governor. He signed 246 of them (3 with partial vetoes). He vetoed 3 Senate Bills in full. In the Assembly, 163 Assembly Bills were sent to the Governor. He signed 160 of those (1 with a partial veto) and vetoed 3 Assembly Bills in full. In total, 406 Acts were completed.
Of the bills acted on during this past week, the following are of interest to the UW System:
AB 496 – Electronic Text Messaging While Driving: Prohibits a person from driving any motor vehicle while composing or sending an electronic text message or an electronic mail message and creates a penalty. Signed by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 220.
SB 121 – Career Conversations Program: Requires the Center on Education and Work (CEW) at the UW-Madison School of Education to establish a "Career Conversations" pilot program for students enrolled in grades 7 to 12. UW System position: SUPPORT. Signed by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 271.
SB 407 – Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarships: Permits a high school senior with the next highest grade point, but not less than 3.800 or the equivalent, to be certified as an alternate and to receive a scholarship. UW System position: SUPPORT. Signed by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 306
SB 409 – Wisconsin C.O.R.E. Jobs Act: A comprehensive economic development package. C.O.R.E. stands for "Connecting Opportunity, Research and Entrepreneurism." The UW System helped craft and refine several provisions related to higher education, including:
- the creation of a business plan competition program for comprehensive campuses to help make entrepreneurial expertise available to students statewide;
- the development of an emerging technology center at the UW-La Crosse;
- funding of the Wisconsin Small Company Advancement Program (WisCAP) at WiSys that would provide grants for intellectual property management services; and
- a postsecondary education tax credit for businesses that pay tuition for certain employees.
UW System position: SUPPORT. Signed by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 265.
SB 514 – UW-Milwaukee Building Projects: Adds three UW-Milwaukee building projects to the 2010-11 authorized state building program. The UW System Board of Regents previously endorsed these projects. Signed into law by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 331.
SB 523 – Unfair Labor Practices in Collective Bargaining: Expands the State Employment Labor Relations Act (SELRA) and makes it an unfair labor practice for employers to discourage state employees from exercising their rights to bargain collectively. This bill was amended to clarify that the bill does not interfere with a faculty member's right of academic freedom. Signed into law by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 289.
SB 585 – Political and Religious Discrimination: Prohibits discrimination against an employee who declines to attend an employer−sponsored meeting or to participate in any communication with the employer or with an agent, representative, or designee of the employer, the primary purpose of which is to communicate opinions about religious or political matters. Signed into law by the Governor as 2009 Wisconsin Act 290.
Bills recently vetoed by the Governor include:
SB-434. Raw Milk Allows, under certain conditions the sale of unpasteurized milk, buttermilk, butter, and cream directly to consumers on the farm. Approved by the Senate and Assembly, Vetoed by the Governor on May 19, 2010. See Veto Message
SB 616 –The High Performance Green Building Bill: Required all new state, municipal, and school buildings (including renovations and leasehold) to be LEED certified and also required the state to upgrade 15% of the gross squire footage of existing state buildings to LEED standards. Approved by the Senate and Assembly, Vetoed by the Governor on May 19, 2010. See Veto message
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