Recent and Upcoming Legislative Activities
Both Chambers to Meet Tomorrow
The Assembly and Senate will both be in session Tuesday, Oct. 8. The Senate is scheduled to meet at 11 a.m. and the Assembly at 1 p.m. For more information, please see the respective floor calendars:
Representative Jeff Stone Resigning from Legislature to Accept PSC Position
Rep. Jeff Stone (R-Greendale) announced his resignation from the Wisconsin State Assembly effective Oct. 14 to serve as the Public Service Commission's (PSC) Administrator of Water Compliance and Consumer Affairs. Stone has represented the 82nd Assembly District since 1998. See Governor's announcement.
Hearing Held to Review Common Core Standards
A joint public hearing was convened on Oct. 3 by the Senate Select Committee for the Review of Common Core Standards Initiative and the Assembly Select Committee on Common Core Standards to review Common Core Standards. The UW System provided the following written statement. To view Wisconsin Eye coverage of the entire hearing, please click here. (approx. 8 hrs) Three additional hearings are scheduled to be held in October. For hearing details, please see the Committee announcement.
Informational Briefing Held on UW System's Transition to New High-Speed Network
On Oct. 1, UW System officials held an informational briefing in the State Capitol to provide, legislators, legislative staff, and other interested parties with an update on the progress made in transitioning UW institutions to the next UW advanced research and education network. A number of legislators, as well as capitol staffers, attended the briefing. For more information, please see the UW System Network website and press release.
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